
Waarschuwing voor risico's

Waarschuwing voor risico's

Laatst herzien: 31 augustus 2023

Zoals bij elke investering loopt het geïnvesteerde kapitaal risico. Er kan (volledig) verlies van het geïnvesteerde kapitaal optreden. Let op dat historische of geprojecteerde prestatie-informatie geen betrouwbare indicator is voor toekomstige winsten of verliezen.



Noch de informatie verstrekt op deze website noch enige communicatie verstrekt door Neuralfund, hetzij schriftelijk hetzij mondeling, vormt een verzoek, aanbod, mening of aanbeveling om enige effecten te kopen of verkopen of juridisch, fiscaal, boekhoudkundig of beleggingsadvies of diensten met betrekking tot de winstgevendheid of geschiktheid van enige effecten of belegging te verstrekken, en is niet bedoeld als (en zal niet worden beschouwd als) beleggingsadvies of een aanbeveling of mening met betrekking tot een bepaalde effecten, belegging of instrument, noch zal het worden beschouwd als een garantie of garantie met betrekking tot de resultaten of verwachte resultaten van een transactie. Alle inhoud gepresenteerd of verstrekt door Neuralfund is uitsluitend bedoeld voor informatieve doeleinden en mag niet worden gebruikt of worden vertrouwd bij beleggingsbeslissingen.



Alle productnamen, logo's, merken en andere handelsmerken of afbeeldingen die op deze website en/of op een sociaal mediaplatform worden getoond of genoemd, zijn eigendom van hun respectievelijke merkhouders. Deze merkhouders zijn niet verbonden aan Neuralfund of zijn website. Deze merkhouders sponsoren of onderschrijven Neuralfund of een van zijn producten of opmerkingen niet.

Risico Disclaimer

Risico Disclaimer

De resultaten die op deze website worden weergegeven, zijn een combinatie van echte live resultaten en hypothetische handelsresultaten. Hypothetische prestatieresultaten hebben vele inherente beperkingen. Er wordt geen enkele garantie gegeven dat een rekening winsten of verliezen zal behalen die vergelijkbaar zijn met die welke worden getoond. In feite zijn er vaak grote verschillen tussen hypothetische prestatieresultaten en de daadwerkelijke resultaten die vervolgens worden behaald door een specifiek handelsprogramma. Een van de beperkingen van hypothetische prestatieresultaten is dat ze over het algemeen worden opgesteld met het voordeel van achterafkennis. Er zijn tal van andere factoren gerelateerd aan de markten in het algemeen of aan de uitvoering van een specifiek handelsprogramma die niet volledig kunnen worden meegenomen in de opstelling van hypothetische prestatieresultaten en die allemaal van invloed kunnen zijn op daadwerkelijke handelsresultaten.

Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

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Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

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Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

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Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

Automatiseer vandaag uw fondsen

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For the avoidance of doubt Neuralfund is not independently regulated by the FCA. Neuralfund is a ‘Strategy Provider' to Pelican Trading. Pelican Trading is a trading name of London & Eastern LLP. London & Eastern LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, ref 534484. Registered address: 78 York Street, London, England, W1H 1DP

Fund Custody

Neuralfund does not hold or otherwise have control over client funds. All funds deposited by clients for the purposes of Neuralfund are held by Vantage Markets (“Vantage”). Vantage maintains segregated client trust accounts, with top-tier banks, as an extra layer of protection of clients’ funds.
Vantage is a fully regulated entity, holding licenses from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia.

Risk Warning

Trading carries high risks and may result in the loss of your capital. Neuralfund utilises advanced technologies, including generative artificial intelligence, which are novel and in constant development. The application of these technologies introduces additional risks associated with system errors, algorithmic biases, and the complexity of market dynamics. Please ensure you fully understand these risks before engaging with Neuralfund. Neuralfund does not accept clients who do not fully comprehend the risks involved in trading, including the use of novel technologies. Seek independent financial advice if needed.

Carving Unique Investment Pathways for an Exclusive Network of Individuals

© Wildspitze B.V. (Trade Name 'Neuralfund') Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.


For the avoidance of doubt Neuralfund is not independently regulated by the FCA. Neuralfund is a ‘Strategy Provider' to Pelican Trading. Pelican Trading is a trading name of London & Eastern LLP. London & Eastern LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, ref 534484. Registered address: 78 York Street, London, England, W1H 1DP

Fund Custody

Neuralfund does not hold or otherwise have control over client funds. All funds deposited by clients for the purposes of Neuralfund are held by Vantage Markets (“Vantage”). Vantage maintains segregated client trust accounts, with top-tier banks, as an extra layer of protection of clients’ funds.
Vantage is a fully regulated entity, holding licenses from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia.

Risk Warning

Trading carries high risks and may result in the loss of your capital. Neuralfund utilises advanced technologies, including generative artificial intelligence, which are novel and in constant development. The application of these technologies introduces additional risks associated with system errors, algorithmic biases, and the complexity of market dynamics. Please ensure you fully understand these risks before engaging with Neuralfund. Neuralfund does not accept clients who do not fully comprehend the risks involved in trading, including the use of novel technologies. Seek independent financial advice if needed.

Carving Unique Investment Pathways for an Exclusive Network of Individuals

© Wildspitze B.V. (Trade Name 'Neuralfund') Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.


For the avoidance of doubt Neuralfund is not independently regulated by the FCA. Neuralfund is a ‘Strategy Provider' to Pelican Trading. Pelican Trading is a trading name of London & Eastern LLP. London & Eastern LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, ref 534484. Registered address: 78 York Street, London, England, W1H 1DP

Fund Custody

Neuralfund does not hold or otherwise have control over client funds. All funds deposited by clients for the purposes of Neuralfund are held by Vantage Markets (“Vantage”). Vantage maintains segregated client trust accounts, with top-tier banks, as an extra layer of protection of clients’ funds.
Vantage is a fully regulated entity, holding licenses from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia.

Risk Warning

Trading carries high risks and may result in the loss of your capital. Neuralfund utilises advanced technologies, including generative artificial intelligence, which are novel and in constant development. The application of these technologies introduces additional risks associated with system errors, algorithmic biases, and the complexity of market dynamics. Please ensure you fully understand these risks before engaging with Neuralfund. Neuralfund does not accept clients who do not fully comprehend the risks involved in trading, including the use of novel technologies. Seek independent financial advice if needed.

Carving Unique Investment Pathways for an Exclusive Network of Individuals

© Wildspitze B.V. (Trade Name 'Neuralfund') Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.


For the avoidance of doubt Neuralfund is not independently regulated by the FCA. Neuralfund is a ‘Strategy Provider' to Pelican Trading. Pelican Trading is a trading name of London & Eastern LLP. London & Eastern LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, ref 534484. Registered address: 78 York Street, London, England, W1H 1DP

Fund Custody

Neuralfund does not hold or otherwise have control over client funds. All funds deposited by clients for the purposes of Neuralfund are held by Vantage Markets (“Vantage”). Vantage maintains segregated client trust accounts, with top-tier banks, as an extra layer of protection of clients’ funds.
Vantage is a fully regulated entity, holding licenses from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia.

Risk Warning

Trading carries high risks and may result in the loss of your capital. Neuralfund utilises advanced technologies, including generative artificial intelligence, which are novel and in constant development. The application of these technologies introduces additional risks associated with system errors, algorithmic biases, and the complexity of market dynamics. Please ensure you fully understand these risks before engaging with Neuralfund. Neuralfund does not accept clients who do not fully comprehend the risks involved in trading, including the use of novel technologies. Seek independent financial advice if needed.

Carving Unique Investment Pathways for an Exclusive Network of Individuals

© Wildspitze B.V. (Trade Name 'Neuralfund')

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.